Friday, March 15, 2013

Three Minute Photo shoot with Cody Ellis

I met Cody 10 years ago while we were out east at university. When we graduated he spent a year helping me acclimatize to my new life in Calgary. Since then we've taken very different paths but I really relish the opportunity to get together whenever he's free- though my mind is both racing and completely exhausted after each discussion...

Cody's adventures have taken him from a career as a real estate investor, to the Ironman, to a surf bum living out of a car in Hawaii, to a writer, to a participant in the Occupy movement, to an international model and now an App designer.

Its not so much what he's done that I find so interesting- but rather his thoughts and views. His mind is always racing and he's always got new ideas for adventures. He doesn't care what other people think of him which is refreshing these days. So often I find I am influenced by others expectations and views and I act accordingly. What I see Cody doing is blocking out all of that noise and really thinking about what he wants to be doing and then planning how to do it. I have to admit I've doubted that some of his plans would be successful in the past but every time he's hit roadblocks he's been able to overcome them.

I think the biggest thing that I have learned from Cody is that people dont really know their own power. We're all so afraid of failure that we don't chase our dreams and dont do the things we really really want to do. Our discussions in recent weeks have really helped me scrutinize my own life and figure out what I want to do in love and the family Jacquie and I are starting, the direction I truly want to take my professional life, and finally what experiences I want to have in my 100 years on this sphere.

There is a lot of planning and introspection involved, but I have a feeling there will be a tool coming along in the not too distant future that might help me out a lot. Stay tuned....

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