Thursday, August 15, 2013

Dennis: My Art Teacher

I've known Dennis for four years and have been benefiting from his artistic knowledge ever since I met him. I was always intimidated by art and somehow didn't really ever 'get' it. That changed gradually over time as Dennis and I had more and more conversations about art and he was able to articulate so well about why he made art. When he spoke about the artistic process I learned about the depth of the details artists consider when expressing themselves. Dennis is so passionate about art and his work is so inextricably linked to who he is that it really is hard to imagine the man without it.

One day I was commenting on a spinning top that Dennis had made and was saying that I wished I had that creativity. Dennis told me that everyone has that creativity and people just don't necessarily choose to act on it. It got me thinking for a long time about humans and our relationship with art. My wife Jacquie is very knowledgeable and has a huge appreciation for art as well and as I learned from her I began to feel and experience art more and more. I'm still very much a novice in this area but I have realized that I think art is perhaps one of the greatest of human achievements and more fundamentally one of the things that makes us human.

Thank you Dennis for teaching me about creativity and art. I cant wait to get back to your studio....

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