Saturday, May 19, 2012

Maui Pitbulls

The first night we got to Maui we went to a park and I noticed something- it was full of pitbulls. Day after day and beach after beach it was the same story. Pitbulls running around off leash greeting everyone barbecuing, pitbulls swimming in the ocean, and a pitbull wearing kids floaty inner tube around his waist (presumably not a good swimmer). We even took a wrong turn while out driving and ended up at the Maui humane society which had about 30 pitbulls in it.

I couldn't quite figure it out until one night when I was taking pictures of a little bluenose pup. The owners were sitting at a table nearby and proceeded to tell me the history of pitbulls in Hawaii. From what I could gather they have always been the breed of choice there. One of the ladies said, "we have dog shows in Hawaii... but they are only for pitbulls". The grey puppy below is the daughter of the current best in show for Maui.

The only apparent hiccup in the history of the breeds reign on the islands happened a few years ago. Apparently a few years ago someone set his pit mix on a police officer attempting to arrest him and in the wake of the event a bill was proposed to ban the breed. According to the family reciting the story to me, the backlash that the proposed bill drew was "the biggest uprising in Hawaiian history". I suspect that this may have been a bit of an exaggeration but it must have been fairly strong opposition because the thing was thrown out immediately and I was lucky enough to meet these little rascals.


  1. If only everywhere else was so accepting!! Beautiful pics, and love the story. Something that I will have to research further, as I never knew they were the breed of choice anywhere, much less Hawaii

  2. Because of a select number of greedy nasty people many of us have forgotten how much bulls were a part of our lives... the dog looking into the Victriola was an emblem for music, the dog in Little Rascals was a constant companion, in the 1900's it was the emblem for the military because of its courage...
    President Roosevelt & Wilson, Helen Keller, Thomas Edison, General George Patton, Fred Astaire, Mary Tyler Moore, Michael J. Fox, Madonna, Brad Pitt, Usher, Pink, Anthony Robbins are a few of celebs who owned pit bulls.
    WE turned them into 'monsters' and now have the responsibility to change that. In the 70's it was Dobermans. In the 80's Rotties. What's next... poodles?
