Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sofia & Hanif - Day 3 - Wedding Day!

Day 3! The big day had arrived! It began however with the news that the ceremony would be moved inside instead of having it in the courtyard. I learned very quickly how unpredictable the weather in Vancouver is because there isnt a time you look into the sky where there arent threating clouds lingering nearby. The inside of the Ismaili Center was nearly as beautiful as the exterior. The beautiful ceremony was followed by a buffet and a few hours of photos with friends and family in the courtyard.

After all the guests had left Sofia and Hanif caught their breath and indulged me by letting me take photos in the courtyard for an hour. Sofia looked absolutely stunning and Hanif was looking sharp in his tux. I could tell how happy they were to have cemented their relationship and I think it comes through in the photos. Enjoy.

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