Monday, October 1, 2012


I'm undertaking a project where I am photographing friends in order to continue improving my portrait skills while delivering photos that my friends will hopefully love. I think its really important to have some well done photos of yourself when you're young and not just harshly lit photos of you out at the bar pounding Alexander Keiths... haha

The greatest challenge of portrait photography is to make that connection with your subject and make them feel completely comfortable in front of the camera. I'm always amazed by how some people photograph. Jocelyn who was my first subject in this project, has always been shy when I've taken photos of her dogs or sons yet after a couple minutes of shooting she was completely confident and it really shows in these shots.

We live in an age where women study celebrity magazines and watch award shows and are constantly measuring themselves against the images they see through these outlets. Personally I see better looking (and likely just better) people every day in real life. Hopefully through this project I can make some of my friends see themselves that way too.

Here are some shots of the absolutely stunning Jocelyn. Thanks for your help Joce!

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